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Harrys Carpets

Family-owned, Woman-owned

Open Tuesday thru Saturday 10am to 6pm closed for lunch.
“Harrys Carpets is a family owned business. Harrys Carpets has been installing beautiful floors in Vacaville and the surrounding areas for more than two decades, providing Northern California with all its flooring needs. A family of flooring professionals who stand for quality, honesty and integrity. We specialize in Hardwood, Laminate, Carpet, Tile, VCT, Vinyl, Baseboards, luxury Vinyl, Carpet remnants, Flooring Repair, Carpet Repair, Res-tretching, and much more… Call 707-450-5956 to set up a free in home consultation, with one of our experienced flooring professionals. Harrys Carpets, “Because our Family cares what your Family walks on!””

Harrys Carpets

645 Merchant St


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